Supermyths Discovered


How do we solve the science problem of the supposed later dual independent conceptions of a prior published theory?

How did Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace in 1858/59 supposedly independently and miraculously replicate what Darwin, Wallace, de Beer, Mayer, Dawkins and many other top biologists said was essentially the exact same full theory of evolution by natural selection and the very same four essential words to name it (natural process of selectionthat BigData analysis shows Patrick Matthew originated and had published in 1831? And why, in light of the new data that busts Darwin and Wallace's excuse that Matthew's theory was unread before 1860, are the Darwin dependent Linnean Society and the Royal Society now shamefully publishing desperately silly papers by cyberstalking obscene criminals, workplace harassment criminals and repeat research plagiarists that claim Matthew's theory is now suddenly and yet ever so conveniently to be argued to be significantly different to that published by Darwin and Wallace?

Readers of this website can buy a copy of Science Fraud at a 40% discount off the current retail price. The book provides all the independently verifiable data, supported by academic references to sources, that proves both Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace plagiarised the theory of evolution by natural selection.

Visit the publisher's website Curtis Press and use the code suttonsites24 to get this deal at checkout before paying.

The Patrick Matthew Violin was made and is being played to inform science and history that it is exquisitely ironic that in the so called post-truth age of lies, fake news and other deception that it must fall to art to inform science and history that those disciplines should be less artistic and more scientific. Our history of science should be based on verifiable empirical data - not beloved myths that are bust by such data. You can find out more and see more videos of the violin at the relevant page.

A Selection of Busted Supermyths

The 'Charles Darwin and Patrick Matthew  Supermyth'

In 1859 Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species referring to natural selection as “my theory”. In 1860, orchard owner Patrick Matthew laid claim in the press to having originated the same theory 28 years earlier in his 1831 book 'On Navel Timber and Arboriculture'. Darwin apologized, acknowledging that Matthew had published the entire concept. Alfred Wallace, another who at the same time claimed to have independently discovered natural selection, agreed. However, Darwin and Wallace claimed no prior knowledge of Matthew’s ideas, excusing themselves by further claiming that no one had read them. Ignoring the principle of nullius in verba, scientists have always taken Darwin and Wallace at their word.  Hi-tech methods uniquely reveal that pre-1859 Matthew’s book was cited by seven naturalists, three in Darwin’s inner circle and one who published Wallace’s first paper on evolution. Many more cited Matthew's book. The same method discovered six lies Darwin told to obtain primacy over Matthew. Moreover, Darwin’s notebooks reveal that apple trees were the first thing he wrote about on evolution and that he owned at least five publications that cited Matthew’s book. An electronic plagiarism check, which compared Darwin's  and Wallace's unpublished and  published work with Matthew's book proves beyond all reasonable doubt that they plagiarised his unique phrases, terms, his hypothesis and many uniquely creative examples of how natural selection works in nature. Darwin and Wallace were facilitated in their science fraud by the organizational conventions of the Royal Society and the British Association for the advancement of science.

Prior to my discovery of  the new facts about who cited Matthew's 1831 book, and commented on his original ideas, many scientists, including the Darwinist head of the Skepticks Society  Michael Shermer, and Darwinist celebrity scientist Richard Dawkins biased-stacked myth upon myth in order to bury the threat of Matthew in oblivion.

The unethical Darwin Supermyth is bust in the 2023 Springer book Academic Integrity in the Social Sciences in a chapter entitled The Patrick Matthew Effect in Science.

My detailed blog post on this supermyth can be read {here}.

The full story was first published in "Nullius in Verba: Darwin's greatest secret." and is newly in the Curtis Press book "Science Fraud: Darwin's Plagiarism of Patrick Matthew's Theory "

Contrary to the myth that Matthew's ideas were merely briefly stated in the appendix to his book and busting the supermyth that Matthew's 1831 book, revealing and detailing his unique and full discovery of natural selection, went unread by any naturalists known to Darwin and Wallace, it was cited in the literature before 1858 by three naturalists who played key pre-1858 roles in facilitating and influencing Darwin’s and Wallace’s published ideas on natural selection.

Read some details of the Patrick Matthew Supermythbust here

You may have heard of "The Matthew Effect in Science" and so the "Patrick Matthew Effect" is incredibly important and ironic for those who have written about the Matthew Effect but are uninterested in Patrick Matthew precisely because of The Matthew Effect.

The Darwin and Hoooker Invented Terraforming Supermyth but is HERE

The Darwin Finches Myth

The long-busted, yet pervasive, myth that Charles Darwin's Eureka! Moment realisation of the ability of natural selection to explain the problem of species, came by way of his observation of variation in the beaks of Galapagos Islands finches is a supermyth. Darwin did no such thing. He failed to understand the significance of the variation  in those finch beaks, he never collected the finches, he misclassified 7 of the 13 finches  that were collected  by a  crew member of The HMS Beagle.. Darwin mentioned finches once only in The Orign of Species, in which he wrote nothing on the evolution of finch beaks. The significance of adaptation of Galapagos Islands finches was a late 20th century discovery. 

The Darwin Finches  Myth is a supermyth because it is deployed to this day by Darwinists arguing against the myth of divine creation of new species.  It is used by the uninformed, including some  Darwinists, in an attempt to disprove the overwhelming evidence that Darwin’s real Eureka! Moment came after 1837 and was found within the pages of Patrick Matthew’s (1831) full and prominently published and reviewed articulation of the theory of the ‘natural process of selection.’ Darwin claimed never to have read the book despite the newly discovered fact that other famous naturalists read and cited it - including three of Darwin's scientific associates.

Read the mythbust here

Counterfeit Discoverer

"Expert" "Skeptics" Suckered Again: Incredibly, the Famous Semmelweis Story is another Supermyth

The Semmelweis reflex or “Semmelweis effect”, which is a metaphor for the reflex-like tendency to reject new evidence or new knowledge because it contradicts established norms, beliefs or paradigms, is another exquisitely ironic supermyth.

Read the mythbust here

The Spinach Supermyth


A story started thirty years ago by nutritionist Professor Arnold Bender, and famously supported by the immunohaematologist Professor Terence Hamblin, that a decimal point error made in 19th Century research of the iron content of spinach led to its erroneous promotion, is completely untrue.

Read the mythbust here


Mythbusting Articles on Spinach

Spinach, Iron and Popeye: Ironic lessons from biochemistry and history on the importance of healthy eating, healthy scepticism and adequate citation (Sutton 2010) (here and here and also here)

The Spinach, Popeye, Iron, Decimal Error Myth is Finally Busted (Sutton, M. 2010) (here)

Did Popeye Really Increase Spinach Consumption and Production by 33 percent in 1936? (here)(Original Best Thinking blog post archived in full here

SPIN@GE USA Beware of the Bull: The United States Department of Agriculture is Spreading Bull about Spinach, Iron and Vitamin C (Sutton 2011) (Here)

Spin@ge II: Does the United States Department of Agriculture’s Publication of Spuriofacts Have its Origins in a Perverse Scientific Paper Written in 1937? (Sutton, M. June 2012) (here and archived here)

How the spinach, Popeye and iron decimal point error myth was finally bust (Sutton 2010) (Here and also here)

Read the mythbust in HealthWatch edition 101. Click

the popout button on the image above to read the article

The spinach and Popeye decimal point error mythbust was recently reported in FORBES by Dr. Lee Harland, founder and Chief Scientific Officer, SciBite (an Elsevier company). (Harland 2022) Popeye, Spinach And ‘Bad’ Data: AI Lessons To Learn From ‘The Lie That Won’t Die’ Here. Archived Here.

I am delighted to see the importance of the Spinach Supermyth, which I (Dr Mike Sutton) discovered in 2009, is now positively affirmed as a problem in the British Medical Journal in 2023. The free PDF of that important article is available to download HERE The BMJ page on it is HERE (archived HERE)

Zombie Cop Supermyth

The influential policing policy research finding that “…a patrolling policeman in London could expect to pass within 100 yards of a burglary in progress, roughly once every eight years but not necessarily catch the burglar or even realise that the crime was taking place” is a braced super myth that was invented and then deployed to bust the myth  that beat foot-patrol policing is the best answer to crime.

Read the mythbust here

The Crime Opportunity Supermyth

Based as it is on a simple truism and five fallacies: equivocation; ambiguity; precognition; post hoc ergo propter hoc; and the ‘social absolute’ the notion of 'opportunity' , which is central to so called ‘Crime as Opportunity Theory’, cannot logically be a cause of crime. Administrative criminologists, desperate to bust the myth that crime and criminality is caused by distal social factors such as lack of beat policing, poverty, parenting  and sub-culture have created the myth that every crime is the cause of itself. The myth stems from the fact that leading criminologists made the mistake of confusing mere truisms with scientific notions of causality.

Routine Activity Theory: ‘Mindless’ Chemistry Meme Masquerades as a Theory of Crime Causation,” Internet Journal of Criminology (2018)

Read an earlier paper on the mythbust here

The Humpty Dumpty Supermyth

The origin of the nursery rhyme character Humpty Dumpty has been

something of an etymological search for the Holy Grail for well over 100 years. Myths about the influence being the shape of eggs and a name given to a Royalist forces cannon in the English Civil War abound. Hi-tech research methods reveal that in fact Punchanello (AKA Punchinello) is the influential cultural influence for Humpty Dumpty, by way of a 1701 poem. And there really was a Parliamentary forces cannon named Punchinello. Humpty dumpty originally had nought to do with eggs. Later an egg-character was used to simply represent a humpy dumpy Punchinello-physical-type.

Read the mythbust here

The Moral Panic Supermyth

Moral Panic is a sociological term embodied with inherent meaning. Despite 45 years of myth and counter-myth that  - in turn - Stan Cohen, Jock Young and Marshall McLuhan coined and  invented the term and the concept of Moral Panic, the truth is that both term and exact deviancy and media escalation concept have been in use throughout the last 183 years in the USA and throughout Europe.

Read the mythbust here

The Asteroid Supermyth

It is a myth that William Herschel coined he term 'asteroid' for space rocks. Because expert archive research proves that the son of Charles Burney suggested it in 1801 and that this suggestion was conveyed  to William Herschel.  As Cunningham (2013) uniquely informs us: "Asteroid was Herschel's choice, but it was not his creation."

However, in busting the myth that William Herschel coined the astronomicall term 'asteroid', Cunningham  has inadverantly created a supermyth in claiming that  Burney Jr coined it, because the term asteroid was used by Girolamo Brisiano  in a 1588 publication, where the  words 'aster' and asteroides' were deployed in the context of stars, fully 213 years before Charles Burney Jr's father, Dr Charles Burney senior, offered 'his' son's supposedly newly coined astronomy word 'asteroid'  up to Herschel to name space rocks!

In short, it is a supermyth that Burney Jr coined the astronomy term asteroid.

Moreover, the term asteroid had been used to name a star like flower in over 100 publications before 1801.

See the mythbust here

The Face Masks Supermyth (AKA #MasksSupermyth)

During the 2020 Covid19 pandemic, scientific advisers of the UK government created an unevidenced story that the UK public do/would behave like idots when wearing protective masks in public try to limit the spread of the virus. They refused to admit they were just making things up, refused to admit they were wrong in light of scientific advice from other countries, other science and logic (e.g. this paper by Prof Greenhalgh in the BMJ).

Only after 8 weeks of lockdown - during which time the UK government (except Scotland) stubbonly stuck to their fabricated story telling rather than admit they were wrong from the start - did Prime Minister Boris Johnson recommend masks be used by the public inside shops etc. But even then he refused to make them compulsory!

How many thousands of lives have been lost by this lethal dysology? 

See the video timeline of the Masks Supermyth mythbust HERE

The face of Covid-19